What’s on your page?

haha, get it?

This is a little therapeutic project I stumbled into during one of us “artist'” all too common personal crisis’.

The details of said crisis are unimportant and probably greatly exaggerated. What matters is, with a fuzzy head, heavy heart and shot nerves, I put pen to paper and drew without any notion of, or intention for what would come out.

Not very inspired, I know, but bare with me. this freedom of giving the unconscious mind the keys to the car and freeing one’s self of the ever present pressure of making something “good” provides a kind of release that at the time was of immediate and immense help to gather my thoughts and feelings.

What I’m trying to say is, I think I’ve stumbled upon something that most likely anybody who’s ever picked up a pencil already knew about… cathartic art, or cathart if you will.

After several occasions of repeating the same method of not knowing what I’m drawing until I’m done, to collect myself and get a better grip on what I’m thinking or feeling at the time and why, I decided to make it a daily practice.

In this series of posts I will present comment on and occasionally analyze the fruits of this experiment on a weekly basis.


Please enjoy my unbridled uncensored ball of anxiety riddled, stressful, healthily self-deprecating, fuzzy thoughts.

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